National Core Indicators (NCI) Highlighting the Benefits of Consumer Direction

Nurse, hands and senior patient in empathy, safety and support of help, trust and healthcare

The NCI IDD 22-23 In-Person Survey provides valuable insights into the impact of Consumer Directed Services (CDS) for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The survey highlights how CDS allows individuals more control over their care, leading to higher satisfaction and improved quality of life. Data shows that those using CDS are more likely to report positive outcomes, such as better relationships with caregivers and greater satisfaction with the flexibility of their care plans. Additionally, participants in CDS often experience increased independence and a sense of empowerment, thanks to the ability to hire and manage their own caregivers. This data underscores the growing importance of Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSA) in Texas supporting people with IDD to live more fulfilling and self-determined lives.

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